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Dear student, Welcome to the first
edition of the Career Newsletter this academic
year! The first exam week has just finished, which
means that once again there is time for career
events. We have been busy planning many career
related activities for you, so there are a lot of
interesting career events that you can subscribe
for. Read down below for more! |
Wervingsdagen Skill Sessions The Skill Sessions consist
of an entire week filled with interesting workshops
focusing on different aspects of career development.
During this event, workshops and lectures focusing
on your personal and professional development are
given by professional trainers and speakers. Topics
that are covered include application letters,
resumes, job interviews, and more. Internships at Oracle Labs Oracle Labs is the
advanced research and development arm of Oracle. We
focus on the development of technologies that keep
Oracle at the forefront of the computer industry.
Oracle Labs researchers look for novel approaches
and methodologies, often taking on projects with
high risk or uncertainty, or that are difficult to
tackle within a product-development organization.
Oracle Labs research is focused on real-world
outcomes: our researchers aim to develop
technologies that will someday play a significant
role in the evolution of technology and society. For
example, chip multithreading and the Java
programming language grew out of work done in Oracle
Labs. Upcoming Lunch Lectures GEWIS organizes weekly
lunch lectures on Tuesdays and sometimes on
Thursdays. In the overview below, you can see which
companies are coming to present their topics and
projects. You can subscribe for the lecture by
clicking on the company logo. Note that the lectures
have a maximum capacity, but if you wish to attend a
live-stream, please send an email to ceb@gewis.nl. Interesting VacanciesMore career?Looking for a job, internship or graduation project? Not sure which companies are for you or how you can get into contact with them? Want someone to check your CV or review your LinkedIn? The External Affairs Officer is there for any questions you might have about career orientation, companies or how to apply for a job. Feel free to reach out at any moment by mailing to ceb@gewis.nl or by coming by the GEWIS room! |