Dear member,
Dear member,
if you have exams, I hope they are going well! As the
academic year has almost come to an end, this will
most likely be the last newsletter of this year. It
might be continued in the new year, but you will
receive information on that later! At this point GEWIS
is not organizing any more activities, but I did want
to bring a project and an event to your attention this
week. We hope to see you back at our events in the
next academic year, keep an eye out on the website!
Kind Regards,
Susan van Ewijk
External Affairs Officer 2019-2020
[External] Rabobank
What's Up IT Cloud Engineering webinar by Rabobank
This Thursday Rabobank will host their webinar about
cloud engineering from 12:30 until 13:30. Once you
have signed up, you will receive the Microsoft Teams
link to join the webinar. You can sign up here!
Signing up is possible until tommorow so be on time!
[External] Eindhoven Engine
Eindhoven Engine MedicAid Project
Eindhoven Engine is starting a project on Quality of
Life, MedicAid in September. It will be a
multidisciplinairy project and they are looking for
computer scientists! For more information please see
the attachment