Dear member,
Thank you for subscribing to this career
newsletter! Over the coming weeks I will send you a
weekly update on career related activities that
either we organize, or that were brought to my
attention by the companies we collaborate with. The
amount of activities will vary, and if there is
nothing to inform you about the newsletter will skip
a week. Later this week you should also receive your
career package or booklet, which I hope you will
find useful!
Kind Regards,
Susan van Ewijk
External Affairs Officer 2019-2020
[Internal] Sioux
Sioux Lockdown Lecture 26 May
Talk/interview from Sioux about developing
Artificial Intelligence, hosted on Microsoft Teams.
For more information on the topic please go to the activity.
To be able to win a pizza voucher please subscribe
to the activity on the website.
You can join the meeting via Teams here.
[External] Flowtraders
24 hour Hackathon
Flowtraders is organizing a 24-Hour Hackathon on the
30th of May and they would like to invite you and
all to attend. You can sign-up for the hackathon here.
Students will participate in the hackathon
individually and the best solution will be awarded a
cool prize. The hackathon case is related to Flow
Traders’ business, so this will be a very good
opportunity for students to engage with a real life
challenge our developers can face as well.