Dear member,
Thank you for subscribing to this career newsletter!
Over the coming weeks I will send you a weekly update
on career related activities that either we organize,
or that were brought to my attention by the companies
we collaborate with. The amount of activities will
vary, and if there is nothing to inform you about the
newsletter will skip a week. If you had subscribed,
you should have received your career package or
booklet last week!
Kind Regards,
Susan van Ewijk
External Affairs Officer 2019-2020
[Internal] Picnic
Picnic Lockdown Lecture 9 June
Picnic will talk about the rapid up-scaling challenges
they had to undergo these past months. Note that the
lecture will be a joint talk from a software engineer
and a mathematician, each discussing their own
challenges. For more information on the topic please
go to the activity
and subscribe!
[Internal] Graduation Projects
Graduation Thesis Projects
Some of you will be looking for a graduation project
really soon. If you are curious about what projects
companies can offer keep an eye out for them on our website!
These projects change often, so your dream project
might not be there know, but who knows what the future
might bring.
[External] AIVD & MIVD
JSCU summer school
This Joint Sigint Cyber Unit summer school is meant
for all students with an interest in cyber security!
The summer school consists of a series of cryptography
puzzles, perfect to spent your quarantine indoors. The
only thing you need to do is go to the following
website to get started:
For more information also see this
(Dutch) document.